Faith Seeking Understanding : Fides, Quaerens, Intellectum

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Holy Trinity College


‘Catholic parents must learn to form their family as a domestic
church, a church in the home as it were, where God is honored, his law
is respected, prayer is a normal event, virtue is transmitted by word and
example, and everyone shares the hopes, the problems and sufferings of
everyone else.’ This message of the holy Pope John Paul II is ever actual
in the current situation of the world. The last two publications of Dare
constitute a perfect echo of that imperative, whereby the contemporary
Christians are to authentically witness to their faith, in time and against
time. The current Covid-19 situation in the world, as challenging as it is,
can be seen, and is to be seen, as an opportunity for Christian families to
rediscover and strengthen their vocation as domestic churches. There is
need for Christians, therefore, to develop an ever close relationship with
the Lord Jesus Christ, through a constant meditation of the Word of God,
with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The present Dare publication, ‘Faith Seeking Understanding’ (Fides
Quaerens Intellectum), provides articles in various theological disciplines:
Scriptures, Liturgy, Dogmatic, Moral, Church History, etc. It aims at
facilitating and directing its readers into their particular areas of interest.
Faith Seeking Understanding is a collection of theological reflections
which serve the purpose of deepening of faith, via a clear comprehension
of the Christian faith.
Thus, the first section of the journal offers topics on Sacred Scriptures.
Christian faith is a ‘product’ of a long history handed over from one
generation to the next. Within that tradition, the life and faith of specific
scriptural characters has a lot to say to the contemporary Christians. So,
an orthodox approach of those important biblical figures is necessary in
the search for an unshakable Christian faith. These articles therefore are
reflections on some of the critical issues which are found both in the Old
and the New testaments.
The second section is about Sacred Liturgy. The articles reflect on
how best Christian faithful can actively participate into the liturgical
celebrations of the Church. Different from popular piety, Sacred Liturgy
is a moment of encounter with God.
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This edition also gives reflections on the Moral Teaching of the Church.
In his article, Michael Kyalo (SJ) points out that the duty of the Church
to work for the salvation of souls and its engaging concern to address the
needs of the community of faith is quite pivotal. Majority of the Popes
who governed the Church, especially after Vatican II, have vehemently
attempted to address two globally touted issues that are a threat to humanity. The two issues are: the use of nuclear weapons and environmental
conservation and protection. On the other hand, this section reflects on how
Christians can deal with the phenomenon of abortion. The role of social
media is pointed out in Vatican II’s document Inter Mirifica. It says that
‘‘readers, viewers and listener of social media fully favor those presentations that are outstanding for their moral goodness, their knowledge and
their artistic or technic merit.’’
Moreover, the role and importance of catechesis is also presented
in this publication. The articles point out the place of catechesis in the
evangelization mission of the Church. After all, the Church exists to
evangelize. Givemore Mazhanje (ofm) argues that ‘‘true evangelization
takes place when the Good News is proclaimed by the witnesses of life
and by the word of life; these should include teaching the life, promises,
the kingdom and mystery of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God.’’
Catechesis is an educative formation of mind and will for action focused
on the life of Jesus Christ.
The mystery of faith evolved within particular cultural environments
throughout ages. In its last section, the journal briefly highlights important
historical elements in the development of the Church in Zimbabwe. For the
meantime, emphasis is put on dioceses of Chinhoyi, Mutare and Masvingo.
Fides Quaerens Intellectum offers in these articles a support to its
readers; so that they may know the truth which makes people free. For
saint Peter says in his first letter: ‘‘Do not fear what they fear, and do not
be intimidated, but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready
to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting
for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence’’ (1Pt
3: 14b-16a). Christians could not be able to explain their belief unless they
have a sufficient enlightenment about what they believe in.
The Dare Editorial Board is grateful to all the contributors of this
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current publication. Their efforts are highly appreciated. May they
remain blessed by God the Father, the owner of this vineyard we are all
privilege to work in. The Board’s gratitude is towards the Holy Trinity
College Administration for the unfailing support which make this Journal
a success. Our thankfulness is directed to the Staff Advisor, Father Mark
Chikuni (CSsR) for his constant and tireless follow up to make sure that
the production process moves smoothly. The Editorial Board expresses
its special heartfelt appreciation to the Dare Designer, Br Hugues Charlie
Rakotondrainibe (ofm), for his wonderful work in the last four years. As
he is leaving the college, the Dare Board implores God’s blessing upon
him, wishing him a fruitful ministry

Article Details

How to Cite
Faith Seeking Understanding :: Fides, Quaerens, Intellectum. (2023). DARE : Holy Trinity College Journal, 12.
Full Issue

How to Cite

Faith Seeking Understanding :: Fides, Quaerens, Intellectum. (2023). DARE : Holy Trinity College Journal, 12.