Take Courage, Rise, He Is Calling You: Celebrating Our Faith in Contemporary Africa
No. 11 (2019)

DARE is a theological journal of Holy Trinity College, an elite school of theology for both laity and religious. It belongs to the Catholic University of Zimbabwe Faculty of theology Harare, Zimbabwe.
The word DARE is a Shona term, which refers to a meeting place for discussion and to some extent, a tribunal of ideas. Let the spelling not confuse you, the reader, with the English ‘dare’, which means to have courage to do something, or with the Latin verb ‘dare’ meaning to give.
As a pavilion for discussion, the journal’s primary objective is to ensure dialogue by:
 Stimulating artistic, religious, cultural and social talents in writing.
 Promoting theological reflection.
 Providing an effective channel of communication between Holy Trinity College and the People of God.