The Christian Testimony of Bl. Isidore Bakanja (1887-1909)

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Patrick Mullins, O.Carm


When African Christians look for a model of how they should respond to the call of the Gospel despite the many difficulties that they face, Bl. Isidore Bakanja provides an example of the power of Christian witness that often lies untapped in the hearts of those who have completed their Christian initiation. This short paper, outlines the circumstances in which this modern martyr lived and died in order to draw attention to the generosity with which he responded to the light of Christ when it was first revealed to him. His story challenges each one of us, in our diversity, to reflect on the implications of having only one common Father in heaven.

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How to Cite
The Christian Testimony of Bl. Isidore Bakanja (1887-1909). (2019). DARE : Holy Trinity College Journal, 11, 16-22.

How to Cite

The Christian Testimony of Bl. Isidore Bakanja (1887-1909). (2019). DARE : Holy Trinity College Journal, 11, 16-22.