God's Self-Revelation: The Examples of Moses and Paul
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God has revealed himself through words and actions. Through His creation, He revealed Himself, through His prophets and finally by sending His Son Jesus Christ who is the fullness of revelation. God appeared to certain individuals and spoke to them. He selects a few, reveals certain mysteries to them and then relies on them to tell others. He has the power to reveal Himself to each person individually but in some cases, He chooses a few who in turn reach out to all humanity. The Constitution Dei Verbum (DV) of the Second Vatican Council describes Revelation as the act by which God reveals himself personally to man.1 The act of making the hidden known is referred to as revelation. This paper seeks to discuss how God revealed Himself to two particular personalities in the Bible. I will begin by defining God’s revelation. I will then go on to discuss the personalities He revealed Himself to, then finally I will see if there are
any similarities between those two personalities.